Wives Come First Bible Verse – Why Husbands Must Put Their Wife First

The Bible makes it crystal-clear that husbands must love their wives and put them first in their lives, which doesn’t negate loving and respecting children, or being attentive to their needs; but rather means prioritizing his marriage relationship over all others. In this article we will look at some key wives come first bible verses which demonstrate God’s intention for an affectionate, respectful, and reverent marriage within every family unit.

The biblical view of marriage differs significantly from our culture’s view. Many believe that women must subservient to their husband, which is certainly an opinion worth having. However, it’s essential to realize that biblical literature elevates wives much higher than they would be treated culturally – in 1 Peter 3:7 Peter specifically mentions “crown,” not neck in describing a wife’s position indicating an honor and dignity should be accorded them as well.

God made Eve in order to help and accompany Adam on his journey of discovery. At creation, he called her his wife and announced that Adam would rule over her as per His direct command from Heaven.

Many interpret this passage to mean that wives should submit to their husbands regardless of whether it is wrong for them to do so, even when it involves their body. But this verse’s context goes much deeper; its word for submission in Hebrews 13:4 instructs wives to submit because it “fits into God’s plan.”

Wives should always submit to their husbands willingly and joyfully. Paul refers to this concept of submission in Ephesians 5:23 when instructing husbands to treat their wives as Christ would treat His church; He demonstrated obedience by choosing obedience over any other relationship in His life – showing that submission should never become burdensome but instead can bring great pleasure! This indicates that wives’ submission should never become an obligation but an opportunity.

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By prioritizing his wife over other things, husbands are obeying God’s instructions for marriage and setting an example to their children of what it looks like to love both mothers and fathers equally. Therefore, married couples should read and study these Bible verses relating to wives, marriage, and love together. God-centered marriage devotionals can be an excellent way to keep Him at the forefront of life and marriage. We hope these verses encourage and uplift you; thank you for reading them! May the Lord continue to bless your marriage as you both continue to grow closer together through His grace! Amen. – Laura Smith writes the Marriage Bible series; follow her on Twitter (@laurasmith01), visit her website (laurasmith01.net), subscribe to her newsletter here or buy any of her best books (such as The Marriage Bible).