Husbands and Wives Are Second Only to God in a Family’s Priorities

The Bible is unlike any other book; its sixty-six different books cover an incredible range of subjects – lawbooks like Leviticus and Deuteronomy; historical works like Ezra and Acts; poetry books like Psalms and Ecclesiastes; prophecy works like Isaiah and Revelation; biographies like Matthew and John are among its ranks; but its central theme or message lies within God’s plan for salvation found both Old Testament and New Testament together.

The New Testament describes Jesus Christ’s coming as the Savior of humanity and how through faith a person can be saved from sin and spiritual death. Every Christian should read it to deepen their relationship with the Lord.

God emphasizes family in the Bible over and over, emphasizing its importance through Adam naming Eve after her, signifying her function as his partner and helper. God told Adam and Eve they would have children (Genesis 3:16) but gave them this command: “Be fruitful and multiply…” (Genesis 3:6 and 11).

According to Scripture, husbands and wives rank second only to God as top priorities in any family’s priorities. Being one flesh means they share an immense responsibility toward one another; next comes their children who should be brought up so as to teach them the love of Christ with all of their heart, soul, and mind.

A father should lead his household without infuriating his children (Ephesians 6:4). A mother is expected to show love and care for her children without neglecting them; her primary role should be nurturing rather than controlling. If abusive situations arise between mother and children, steps must be taken immediately in order to protect her offspring.

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Husbands should give equal priority to God and their wives. Husbands are to love their wives as Christ loves His church (Ephesians 5:25). Prioritization should begin by considering her needs before making decisions or pursuing interests that conflict with them – this does not mean neglecting or abandoning children – just that their importance should take a back seat to that of their partner – God has set this biblical standard, glorifying Himself while setting an exemplary example for future generations.