How Hemp Was Used in Biblical Times

Hemp is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible, but some scholars believe that it may be indirectly referenced. The plant has been associated with the ancient Near East and Middle East, and archaeological evidence suggests its use in various forms, such as hemp rope and cloth. While the specific use of hemp in biblical times is not clearly documented, some interpretations point to its possible presence in the Old Testament, particularly in references to “kaneh bosm” or “kaneh” in Hebrew, which some argue could be linked to cannabis or hemp. However, these interpretations are subject to debate and are not universally accepted. Therefore, while the Bible does not directly mention hemp, some indirect references and scholarly interpretations have been proposed regarding its potential use in ancient times[1][2][3].



Hemp is an ancient crop cultivated for its seeds, fibers and medicinal uses since antiquity. The hemp seed provides high levels of nutrition while its fibers outshone cotton or sisal in terms of strength. Furthermore, hemp boasts long strong roots perfect for use in rope manufacturing or coarse fabrics such as fabric.

Hemp paper production costs more than paper made from wood pulp because the innermost fibers must first be removed before the cellulose can be utilized for papermaking. On the plus side, hemp fibers are less vulnerable to degradation caused by water or chemicals used for tree-based pulp processing.

Hemp was once an essential crop as a fiber source, before cotton and synthetic fibers came along. It was used for many applications such as sails on ships, rope for sailors, Conestoga wagon covers and much more. Hemp became one of the staple fibers until World War II when farmers were encouraged to grow hemp for cordage use against imported Manila hemp from Japan.


The Bible describes hemp as an adaptable plant, used for food, medicine and fuel. Hemp provides protein and lipids as well as essential vitamins A-F. Additionally, its seeds are abundant with omega-3 fatty acids as well as essential minerals like iron and zinc. Even one of our elders uses this hemp cream for the numbness in his hands. Hemp has long been revered as an ancient sacred herb. Its incense, known as Kaneh, was mentioned in The Song of Songs and used both in fumigation rituals and as part of anointing oil applied to heal sick persons or reward the righteous.

Exodus 30:22-29 has long been understood to refer to cannabis (Cannabis sativa). But closer examination of Hebrew indicates another meaning for this word – sweet calamus from Araceae family of perennial plants7


Hemp has long been an important crop in biblical times for rope production as well as clothing, canvas bags and paper production. Hemp was mentioned several times in the Bible, with marijuana described as both a plant and not an illicit drug, with various purposes and applications mentioned for its consumption.